[store] Music and professional services

This is the one place to go if you need something from me :). All of my published music and services as a guitarist, producer, mastering engineer, guitar teacher or consultant can be contracted through this online store.

What do you need? Choose your own adventure

I can sum up to your music in multiple ways. As a session guitarist or as a producer.

Guitar Lessons

Travelling in Mexcico City? Up for a guitar lesson? Sure! No matter what your skills on the instrument are or the genre you are use to play, there a lot to learn and improve! My place, yours or via Skyke/facetime.


Get your album ready for submition to both physical replicators and digital music stores with professional online digital mastering.

Warm coffee 😉

Something that I´ve wrote has helped you? You´ve grabbed a picture or had a laugh? Invite me a coffee 🙂

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Sign up for my newsletter and be the first to know about new releases, collaborations, tour dates and mastering/production offers. Also get full access to #dadalive archives -hours of live looping- Oh and you get a free download of one of my songs 🙂 .